Proposition 50 -- NO

Put on the ballot by Democrat legislators to give them option NOT TO EXPEL fellow Democrat Assembly members and Senators who have been indicted or convicted of felony charges.

The California Constitution already allows Assembly members and Senators who have been indicted or convicted of felony charges to be removed from office by expelling them! Proposition 50 would allow those legislators who have been indicted or convicted to simply be suspended WITH or without pay. With them being suspended, no new election takes place so, in fact, their constituents would have no representation. This allows them to continue in office after committing a felony. If you believe that these legislators should not be above the law, please vote NO. No more special privileges for Assembly members and Senators indicted or or convicted of felonies.

The most disturbing part of this measure is that is places into the state Constitution a permanent means to stifle minority opinion in the legislature. They could simply vote to suspend a legislator that they disagree with and take away your voice and vote.

Proposition 50 - Oppose